Our Giving as a Service™ platform is now available to all consumers starting in late October. Read More

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Corporate Philanthropy Made Easy

There are several different forms of corporate philanthropy that companies can choose to engage in depending on their goals and resources. We are here to help.

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Community Engagement Matters

Why is Giving Back to the Community Important? “One of the greatest movements in my lifetime among educated people is the need to commit themselves

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Philanthropi and Community Empowerment

How Philanthropi Empowers Underserved Communities “Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society.” – David Rockefeller Philanthropy is generally regarded as having a love for

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The Benefits Of Recurring Donations

Three Ways Recurring Donations can Amplify Your Giving Like exercise, drinking water, or eating more vegetables, setting a recurring donation is a practice that’s good

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Why Giving Back is Good for You?

5 Reasons Why Charitable Giving is Good for your Soul   Generally, when someone hears the words “philanthropy” and “giving back” names like Bill Gates,

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Become part of the community that’s transforming the giving ecosystem for social good.