Our Giving as a Service™ platform is now available to all consumers starting in late October. Read More

An All-In-One

Giving Solution

Philanthropi’s innovative platform enables companies, individuals, and nonprofits to choose where they create and sustain their philanthropic goals

Empower your Internal Giving Community with an Impact Account™

An Impact Account is a personal charitable foundation for individual employees with the ability to manage a micro donor-advised fund.

Philanthropi - The Giving Company™; woman in her 50s with a white shirt and yellow cardigan holding a red file folder. around her are images of a woman smiling, a man smiling and abstract graphic design elements
Screenshot of an Impact Account's balance. The account has $50.00 available to contribute and has a button to the left which encourages the user to contribute more
Philanthropi Heart Logo - utilized as a Separator between sections

Trusted by Leading Brands

Philanthropi Heart Logo - utilized as a Separator between sections

Philanthropi Can Integrate Seamlessly With Your Organization

Philanthropi’s corporate giving solutions amplify the impact of your corporate social responsibility initiatives. 

Two vector graphic women are holding a large dollar bill

All Contributions to your Impact Account are Tax-Deductible

A Vector Graphic Woman is sitting at a desk with a laptop with her hands raised excitedly above her head

Empower & Retain your Top Talent

A vector graphic man holds a large coin which appears to be very heavy as he walks to the right

Easy Setup for Payroll Contributions

A screen of the Philanthropi App is shown with a pie chart outlining that this is a part of the application where you are able to find your Insight Report to get realtime feedback on the performance of the program

Real-Time Insights on Employee Impact

A sheet of paper labeled "Tax %" is shown in the middle of a circle

Reduce your Corporate Tax Liabilities

A large box with the Philanthropi Heart Logo sits in the middle of a circle with two coins being placed into it, showing that you are able to match your employee's grants easily with the Philanthropi platform

Create a Seamless Matching Program

Expand Your Philanthropic Footprint

Become part of the community that’s transforming the giving ecosystem for social good.